Salaam Namaste Guntur Society is a community-driven initiative dedicated to empowering individuals and addressing critical social issues. Our focus lies on holistic development and spreading awareness across various domains. With collaborations with renowned associations, government schemes, and universities, we are paving the way for a brighter and more self-reliant future.
Key Initiatives
Rehabilitation from Drug Addiction: Providing awareness and rehabilitation services in collaboration with renowned associations and government schemes.
MSME Awareness for Women: Partnering with COWE and KL University to guide women in leveraging MSME opportunities for entrepreneurship.
Women Empowerment: Promoting self-defense awareness programs to empower women physically and emotionally.
Education Awareness: Raising awareness about the importance of education and supporting access for underprivileged communities.
Yoga Collaboration: Partnering with the Art of Living to introduce yoga for mindfulness and well-being.
HIV Support Services: Supporting HIV patients with health checkups and nutritional guidance in collaboration with SHIP Society.
Talent Shows and Competitions: Encouraging mindfulness and self-reliance through various talent cultivation activities.
Moral Science Workshops: Organizing workshops for kids and the needy to instill values and build moral strength.
Additional Information
Now Salaam Namaste Guntur Society works as a social platform and budding organization which joins hands with major trusts at Guntur.
- Amma Trust
- Manavata Trust
- YTR Trust - Mangalagiri
- SHIP Trust for HIV patients

~ Salaam Namaste Team